Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Hansel is Under the Weather

For the last few days, our Hansel has been sick. We're not sure exactly what is wrong, but he was drooling on Sunday. We looked that up and it is very often a sign of a serious health problem. Ethan has been giving him some medicine and we're taking a trip to the vet later this week, but we are still concerned.
The drooling seems to have ceased for the moment, but he still seems sluggish and very sensitive about his mouth. I thought I found a sore in his mouth earlier, but I can't be sure.
Since Hansel was sick we decided to have a prayer service for him (really). He couldn't exactly call for the elders of the church to come to him (Hansel still hasn't learned how to dial the phone) so Ethan and I actually anointed him and prayed for him. This is the first time either of us have ever done a prayer service for a quadruped.  He did seem to get better after that, but he's still not 100% yet.
Hansel is like a child to us (yes I know how weird that sounds). He's very affectionate. When I'm not feeling well, Hansel cuddles up to me and purrs and won't leave me alone until I feel better. He loves to watch TV and play with the feather toy. He enjoys chasing the other cats around the house and is usually gentle and affectionate with his fellow felines as well.
Hansel's favorite food is salmon. Ethan and I discovered (as I've said in another post) that Hansel speaks English a little too well when Ethan asked him to help Nermie with something in exchange for a case of kitty salmon. Ethan asked him to bury Nermie's poo and he did it. We had to buy him the salmon.
Ethan has been putting Hansel's medicine in tuna (yes we know it isn't good for him, but he is eating his medicine and its only for that). He still has his appetite, but he doesn't want to cuddle anymore or sit on our laps which is totally unlike him.
Please pray that our Hansel gets better soon.

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