Thursday, June 29, 2017

Hansel update and a word about Nikita

I am pleased to announce that Hansel is doing a lot better.  We've been giving him medicine and he has his energy back and seems to enjoy cuddling and running around again. Thank you so much for your prayers. We will be taking him to the vet tomorrow just to make sure, but it really looks like he's going to be okay.
Last night he sat on my lap for a couple of hours and it was so good to hear him purr again.  Reading the internet when your pet is sick is probably one of the scariest things you can do because a few simple symptoms can be chalked up to anything from a toothache to the Bubonic Plague (yes there was a site that actually suggested that. Ethan and I ruled that out because we haven't had any rats with fleas in the apartment -- that we know of.).
 Speaking of little things crawling around the apartment, I thought this might be a good time to talk about Nikita.  Like Hansel, she is a total snuggle bunny. The weird thing is that Nikita and Hansel aren't getting along very well. I think Nikita would like to be Hansel's friend, but Hansel makes growl noises every time she gets near him. Most of the other cats get along with her, so she always gets a shocked expression on her face when Hansel starts growling.  Hansel used to be like that with Rocky when he first moved in and now Hansel is buddies with Rocky.  I hope this happens with Nikita too.
Like I said,  Nikita loves to cuddle.  The funny thing is that if you move at the wrong time when you hold her she squeaks at you. The squeaking doesn't sound like a cat noise though -- it sounds like she is barking.  We have a kitten that barks and it is hilarious. She makes dog noise. It's weird. Look at this picture. Does she look like a dog to you? Do you think she's really a miniature wolf hound doing a kitty impersonation?
I seriously doubt my kitty hypothesis because this fur ball has a purr on it like a diesel engine. There have been times when I've actually had to turn up the TV because I couldn't hear the dialogue over her inboard motor.
Its a good thing she's cute.


  1. Glad to hear he's feeling better. I'm rather attached to that boy.

    1. Thanks so much! Life just wouldn't be the same without him!!!
